Agilent 6550 QTOF

Information to be added shortly.
To run samples on this instrument and for permission to book sample time please contact George Katselis (
Agilent 6460 QQQ

Information to be added shortly.
To run samples on this instrument and for permission to book sample time please contact George Katselis (
AB SCIEX 4000 QTRAP® and AB SCIEX 6500 QTRAP® with Ion Mobility

The QTRAP® LC/MS/MS Systems (4000 and 6500) are hybrid triple quadrupole/linear ion trap mass spectrometers coupled to high performance liquid chromatography. The systems have high-sensitivity and are ideal for quantification of small molecules in complex biological, agricultural and environmental matrices. The LC/MS/MS systems provide specificity of an analyte in complex matrices such as the blood which conventional HPLC methods cannot achieve. In addition to targeted quantification analysis, the systems can perform MS experiments (such as MS3, precursor ion scan) that aid in structural characterization and identification of unknown compounds. In addition the 6500 system is equipped with SelexION®, a Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry, capable of separating isomeric species. In addition, ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHLPC) is available for those interested in faster run times.
Our current workflow includes targeted quantitative analysis of small organic compounds including metabolites, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. In addition, screening/profiling experiments can be developed to target a specific class of compounds that share structural similarities. Theoretical and practical (hands-on) training is provided for those who wish to use the instrument on long term basis.
Current cost for using the QTRAP® systems is $30/hr for researchers at the University of Saskatchewan. Users are responsible for their consumables, such as solvents, HPLC vials
External users should contact Dr. El-Aneed ( for pricing as per the University of Saskatchewan guidelines. Please contact Deb Michel ( for permission to book online.
University and External users should contact Dr. El-Aneed ( for pricing as per the University of Saskatchewan guidelines. Please contact Deb Michel ( for permission to book online.
Thermo TSQ Altis

Information to be added shortly.
To use this instrument please contact Randy Purves ( for permission to book online.
Thermo TSQ Vantage (with FAIMS) and Agilent 1290 UHPLC

For methods in which high background persists, an ion does not yield useful fragmentation, or if there are isomeric constituents within the matrix, a FAIMS device also can be employed (LC-FAIMS-MS). FAIMS is a type of ion mobility (high field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry) that separates gas phase ions at atmospheric pressure based on a mechanism that is complementary to both LC and MS and therefore gives very high selectivity.
To use this instrument please contact Randy Purves ( for permission to book online.